11/1/2010 12:46:24 pm
welcome to your website.
11/1/2010 12:52:18 pm
Just write your name. Do not put your email unless you want to be notified everytime someone post. mike
Tim Hamm
11/2/2010 12:08:15 am
Tyrone Wayne
11/2/2010 12:10:35 am
Hello guys, Can't wait until I see everyone,If There is one thing that I could Remember,and it sticks with me today,I hit a shot over the right field wall, and what do you know, I was running with my head down and I pass the runner in front of me ...what!!!! and I was call out....
11/2/2010 01:08:49 am
I remember coach wasn't to happy about that tyrone.How about the time you hit that bomb dead central at hanceville and as your rounding second your telling there shortstop all day all day. Too funny! Good memories
M Hamm
11/2/2010 11:31:59 am
Tyrone, I remember you passing the runner (slay, I think) not for sure....but I definitely remember the bomb against Hanceville and the "ALL DAY" comment. You guys remember when Florio lined out to center in the same game and cussed the pitcher all the way down to first? What about when the little kid ran tried to run over me at the plate and basically a brawl broke out and we won the game because of it.
11/2/2010 09:03:00 pm
Not sure if you guys remember this. I was throwing bp that day and byron ewing was locked in. He was hitting bomb after bomb between left and left center. Then after he was done a few minutes later you see 3 of our players coming back with there gloves and arms full of baseballs. Great scene! Coach lee, russo, jackson, and I still talk about that day. Fond memories!
Tim Hamm
11/3/2010 03:58:48 am
You guys from the original Shoals team should remember this....We were playing a game at UNA (not against them) it was nice and sunny and we were going through or pregame stuff and Cantrell was sitting in front of the dugout propped up with his sleeves pulled up to his shoulders...I believe Coach Lee's response was something like this "Jameal"(spelling?) son what are you doing this isn't the beach. Absolutely hilarious when I think back to it.
11/3/2010 12:05:21 pm
Remember that well hammer. Fellas, I'm hoping to have this website more functional in the coming weeks.
11/4/2010 02:21:47 pm
I remember that one well, prolly bc I was sitting on the bench beside him. And was nt also at UNA when coach got so mad at the umpire he tried to pull up 3b and throw it but he couldnt get it out of the ground!
11/4/2010 09:09:36 pm
Coach eventually got that out of the ground and chucked it down the third base line into the outfield. As he was chucking the base he told the umpire "no your out of here". The martin guys will remember this. I think buttrum was late to practice. So coach sent him right to the track which was besides sam davis. Well mark didn't have his running shoes so he starting running with his cleats and eventually was running bare footed. He ran basically the entire practice. Well, he never did that again!
11/4/2010 11:43:32 pm
That is right, I do remember and him saying that. How funny. Does anybody remember practicing in that old, dark gym and balls flying everywhere. What an indoor facility we had! David you should take your team there and gets some groundballs in!
Mark Buttrum
11/5/2010 10:54:23 am
Mike, I believe you got me mixed up with someone else. If that was me i must have been on crack because I don't remember that.
11/5/2010 10:56:51 am
That was good ole willie green gym shannon. That gym served its purpose. I still remember having to run at like 5:30 am for missing class and puking my guts out afterwords. I only did that once!
11/5/2010 11:46:26 am
That was u butt. Someone from martin confirm that please.
11/5/2010 02:03:40 pm
No, I believe i would remember that Mike. Running barefoot on a track for a whole practice would probably stay in someones memory.
11/6/2010 09:53:43 pm
I remember that mike and buttram. I think Allan H was with him or maybe Jameal. Mark you came back and said your feet were so hot they were blistered!
11/7/2010 10:11:36 pm
That was mr. West's class. I remember him slamming the door and eventually coming back to class like 15 minutes later. You probably did it kev!
Tim Hamm
11/8/2010 01:17:42 am
Willie Green! I remember the 5:30 missed class suicides and all the indoor shorthops from coach J.. Also the drills where Coach L would hit the ball from 1 corner and you had to cut it off before it got by to the wall. I still have scars on my elbows to this day from diving on that floor. By the way Victor V. ran suicides for a week straight(morning and evening)if I remember right!!!!
11/8/2010 01:48:58 am
Yup I missed or was late to 8 classes and it was 30 per class....didn't miss after that..
michael hamm
11/8/2010 12:19:27 pm
WILLIE GREEN------Great indoor facility....I remember the little bitty hallway when you come in and coach russo in that hallway with tennis balls chucking the heck out of them and saying,"if I line it off then catch it and frame it, but if I bounce it then block it up"!!!!!!HAHA Yellow tennis balls with dim yellow lights made that almost impossible.
wayne h
11/10/2010 07:15:46 am
i remember missing a few classes at shoals, but i must say that i was in the best shape of my life back then. mike, sorry about all the missed calls its been a crazy fall.
11/10/2010 11:15:29 am
I just busted out the video I made back in 1992...hadn't watched it in a few years, what some memories! From the Boys to Men video we made with Blaine Harrison on lead vocals to Brett Youngs train track leap for life.I may try and make some copies if anyone should want one, CAUTION:Rated R
Jason Jackson
11/11/2010 10:55:04 am
Keep the blogs coming. I am enjoying the read. Looking forward to seeing everyone in October. Do you guys remember going to East Lawrence High School to play a game and Coach Monterro getting us lost and Coach Lee losing it. I don't think he helped out much after that.
11/12/2010 12:46:03 am
I do and I also remember trying to get to Shelton's field and we were driving on the sidewalks through the campus. I think Coach Jackson was driving not sure, but I do know that the man was pretty pissed off. I was sitting in the back of the bus with Jamal and of coarse we were cracking up. I think after the game when we were going to eat we hit one of those things above the drive through..not a good day for coach j.
Shannon Fondren
11/12/2010 12:51:48 am
Hey has anyone heard from my old room mate George Holland? I have lost contact with him. George please drive that purple truck to the re union.lol
11/12/2010 01:19:03 am
Shannon, that sidewalk was the cart path of a golf course. Still searching for george. Wayne, glad your with us pal. I remember that incident with monterro. He got us lost so we pull next to his van. Coach says" coach monterro where are you going? Then he goes u follow us, u follow us we followed u long enough. Christ almighty! Too funny
Jason Jackson
11/12/2010 01:49:11 pm
Mike, This number might be a little old but it was given to me by John Montgomery a while back. (Friend of George's)
wayne h
11/14/2010 09:18:42 pm
hey kevin i remember that day in class. That was one for the record books. As i recall, i think it was you that passed the gas. Poor Mr. West!
Tim Hamm
11/15/2010 01:46:40 am
One of the best George moments had to be the trip to BSC in the vans. As we were getting close he poured his dip cup out the van window and it ended up all over the side of the van...as we started to warm up he was cleaning the van.
Mike Rodgers
11/15/2010 04:53:51 am
Hey guys! Mike Rodgers here! Keep the comments coming. It is great to remember old times. Looking forward to October!
11/16/2010 10:09:23 am
The first year at shoals were playing gadsden @ their place. Ground ball is hit to brett young and takes a bad hop and hits him in the lip. His lip is hanging down to his chin and the umpire walks up to him and says " I guess your not eating any p_ _ _y tonight. Bretts doing everything he can not to laugh. Hilarious! Wayne, do u remember getting pulled over @ martin for loud music. I think it was the first day we were there.
11/18/2010 01:12:29 am
Hey Mike Rodgers, You have the best move to first from any LHP I have ever seen. No offense to Mike E. or to Blaine but I got fooled half the time at 1B!
wayne h
11/18/2010 07:01:50 am
i do remember that mike. i think i was playing "Summertime" by Will Smith. It was a lady cop too. I think she just wanted to flirt but those speakers were bumpin werent they?! I hope Buttram didnt get me on video that night i brought one of my dates home and woke him up! if he did he will have to change the rating of his movie.
11/18/2010 08:59:16 am
school is out and its sort of a buzz back then I didn't really know what it was guys out hunting girls doin light wash. That was it wayner! Shannon, rodg had a great move.
11/18/2010 12:02:45 pm
Wayne, I remember it like it was yesterday! You The Man is all I can say, remember the time you left your keys and climbed through the window of our bedroom? It was about 2:00a.m.and you come crashing through, 2nd floor, and all I see is a figure fall on the bed. Scared the crap out of me! Crazy times indeed!
11/18/2010 09:50:16 pm
Hey Jason, that is the correct number for George, thanks, and I txt him last night and hope to see him post some soon. You know old George has some stories to tell.
George H.
11/19/2010 05:05:14 am
What Up Fellas! Georgie in the house!
George H.
11/19/2010 05:09:15 am
Fun to hear the Bret story. His Right Guard deoderant commerical he did on camera is all time great. Buttram, is that one on the video you got?
George H.
11/19/2010 05:14:45 am
Boy I miss them days! Can't wait for the reunion!
George H.
11/19/2010 05:20:21 am
Hey Wayne, you dated while you where in college? WOW, I thought they were just Hoes' back then!
George H.
11/19/2010 05:25:02 am
Hey Jackson, You had my number and you haven't called me! Boy what a pal....lol
11/19/2010 06:35:11 am
Welcome aboard george! I remember your dad hooking us up with bologna and bread between games. Wayne, see if you can get info on baldock. How about baldock walking around naked at the colonial gardens crib party. Wtf he was nuts!
George H.
11/19/2010 06:40:14 am
Hate to keep writing so much but one of the all time great moments just popped in my head. I know all you guys will remember, who played in 93' Remember those dreaded days we had to lay sod after practice and Blaine being a "former" all-state wrestler took on Steven H. and ole Steven about killed poor ole Blaine before we could get him off of him. Blaine was a hollering an yelling at him telling him to stop and quit but of course Steven couldn't hear him! He about had him choke out..... That was a Classic!
Ryan Miller
11/19/2010 09:09:38 am
What about it fellas?! I'm really looking forward to this reunion. I loved playing for Shoals CC, and my teammates. My WORST memory of Willie Green was when Javier Gomez smoked a 90 mph four seamer into the grill of Brandon Slay while doing "walk through" bunt coverage drills! Ol Javy didn't take into consideration that only 15 feet or so separated he and Slay.
11/22/2010 10:49:47 pm
Got my pitch count up to 30. should be able to go 2 strong innings by next october. We will see how good rogers move is when I'm swiping second base. Pitchers are hitting! :)
George H.
11/23/2010 08:10:14 am
George H.
11/23/2010 08:14:43 am
Hey Mike, 2 innings is about all we got of you 20 years ago.....so you think were impressed! :}
11/24/2010 06:04:43 am
Happy thanksgiving fellas!
11/24/2010 01:25:31 pm
Cmon george! Your setting yourself up for a showdown. As for hitting no one seems to remember my double against hanceville @ una. I smoked that ball into right center. Lol
11/24/2010 10:40:12 pm
I remember the double Mick, I think that swing could have cut down a giant redwood with the hack you took at it! I also remember you doing a "pop up slide" which you really should have snapped your leg in six different places when you did it.
George H.
11/25/2010 04:17:06 am
HAPPY THANKSGIVING.....Fellow Stallions!
Steven Herston
11/25/2010 09:23:16 am
Steven Herston
11/25/2010 10:52:05 pm
11/26/2010 02:39:48 am
Well I tried to play in a pick up basketball game on my 37 bday and tore my achilles tendon and just had surgery so make sure all you guys have disabilty insurance before the big game. lol But dont worry I will be ready to go..by October I hope. Good to hear from you Seven H. I also found my scrapbook from the first 2 seasons with some good photos. Ill be sure to bring it to the re union
11/26/2010 08:02:57 am
Get well soon shannon. I may have you send those photos from your scrapbook to christie vance if that's ok. We plan on doing a slide show before and after dinner. I will be in the shoals december 8th to discuss that and other things for the reunion. Welcome aboard steven!
11/26/2010 10:48:06 am
Yeah that is fine Mike just send her email or I may could get them to you in December when your down.
Steven Herston
11/26/2010 10:26:18 pm
Steven Herston
11/27/2010 10:24:21 am
11/27/2010 07:12:00 pm
Happy birthday to kevin cowling on Saturday nov. 27th
George H.
11/29/2010 06:30:50 am
How you doing Steven! Good to hear from you...I guess you remember whipping up on ol' Blaine don't you?
George H.
11/29/2010 06:36:53 am
Does anybody remember when "Hammer" drilled me with a line drive at 3rd during BP? Hit nothing but Forehead! And bent my darn bill on my hat.....
11/29/2010 01:31:41 pm
Hey guys I've been enjoying reminiscing. These were the times Coach L talked about during our last games/practices. I look forward to seeing everyone at the reunion.
Tim Hamm
11/30/2010 02:52:53 am
George, I remember that! I thought I had killed you! I guess it was bound to happen to someone. Man those BP sessions were crazy... balls flying everywhere!
Steven Herston
11/30/2010 11:50:32 am
George, Yes, I remember that I whipped up Blaine. Also, I remmeber that you fell off and got hurt from practice.
Steven Herston
12/1/2010 11:18:47 am
Steven Herston
12/1/2010 11:20:05 am
Steven Herston
12/5/2010 04:30:40 am
12/10/2010 05:40:06 am
Hope everyone is well. Christie vance, bryan thornton and myself met the events planner @ the shoals marriot this past Wednesday. Before we sign a contract we need to have an idea on who plans to attend this reunion. We would like to know by january 1st. We are looking in the $40.00 per person range (adult) and children 12 and under would be $20.00. We also are working on room rates and should know by next week. Please email me if u know your coming so we can give the marriot a head count and sign a contract. [email protected]. also let me know if you were planning on having your children come to the dinner or not, thanks, mike
B. Thornton
12/16/2010 12:21:38 am
Whats up guys. i have just killed my whole morning reading all the posts. this stuff is great. we really had no idea how much fun we were having back then. some of my best memories are from that year. I dont think ive ever had a coach who was better at umpire one liners. "Christ almighty. How can that be a strike, that guy isnt 6'5". come on. its great to hear from all of you. this is going to be a great time.
12/16/2010 04:18:05 am
Most of you should have this by email. Had a great visit to the shoals last week. It was great seeing Coach Lee, Coach Russo, Coach Langston, Christie Vance and Bryan Thornton. Christie, Bryan, and I met with the events coordinator at the Shoals Marriott. We feel this will be a great place to have our dinner and festivities following our game at the Northwest Shoals baseball field. The cost for the dinner will be $50.00 per adult and $25.00 for children 12 and under. Iced tea, water,cofee, and tea are included. We will have a cash bar set up in the room. The room rates for this time of the year are normally $169.00 plus tax. We were able to get it down to $129.00 plus tax which would be $143.19 total. I will also look into less expensive hotel options in that area. As for friday night for those that will be in town or arriving we were looking at the swappers bar which is in the hotel or possibly going to dales restaurant in Florence. Game day Saturday will be lots of fun and memorable. We have alot of things planned for that day and will post an itinerary on this site a week or two before the reunion. Also wanted to thank Coach David Langston for allowing us to use the baseball facilities. He also will have the concession stand open that day. If you plan on attending please let us know as soon as you can. This reunion will not be the same without you. Thanks, Christie, Bryan, and Mike
Coach Jackson
12/16/2010 10:43:08 pm
Great stuff guys, keep it comin! Georgie, you are as funny now as you were 15 years ago! Yep, I drove onto the golf course at Shelton. And if you remember that same day, I ran a red light and almost hit a gas pump (Wayne Hall, how close are we to that gas pump?) Look forward to seeing everyone, especially throwing bp to you guys! You can reach me at [email protected]
12/17/2010 08:25:54 pm
Coach jackson, I'm taking you deep. Dead central!
12/18/2010 01:49:11 am
What up Coach! Yeah that day was terrible all around. Think we got swept that day or I know we lost one game and Coach Lee was pissed off! And you know when we got beat wasn't a very plesant ride back. Surely everyone remembers when Coach Lee told Hall to hit that guy who tried to trip Hugh at third that day. And Wayne threw 4 pitches through the backstop and coached yanked him! Told him "The next time I tell you to hit someone you better put it in their Damn Ribs!! Another Coach Lee classic
Michael Ashworth
12/19/2010 04:53:19 am
Michael Ashworth
12/19/2010 04:57:19 am
Special thanks to all involved putting the time and effort into this. Son you've gotta reach...
12/19/2010 09:38:48 am
Smashworth, welcome aboard! Looking forward to seeing you.
12/20/2010 08:32:37 am
Anyone remember when the benches cleared at Shelby State? They took me out at second on a double play, and they threw the guy out ( i think )and that guys dad or brother threw a chunk of concrete on the field. Then the brother ambushed the umpire and slapped him in the face. Pretty crazy!
12/20/2010 09:07:18 am
Remember it well butt. That was crazy stuff! We had some encounters with several teams that year.
Dustin Wright
12/28/2010 05:20:10 am
Hey guys, this is great stuff. One of my least favorite memories was getting smoked by Hugh at 2nd base at ICC. Wow, that stung a little!! Ha! But, if that doesn't happen, I probably don't end up at Shoals playing for Coach Lee. He came and visited at the hospital, when my own coach never showed up! Then, Hammer got Hugh on the phone to apologize to me! What an awesome group of guys! We really didn't know how good it was, huh??
D. Wright
12/28/2010 05:24:26 am
95'- We go to Northwest and had to complete a game, then play a doubleheader. We sweep all 3 games and knock them out of State Tourn. We get back on the bus and I'll never forget this line by Coach Lee, " Alright, good job today. I hate that our JV won't make it to the tournament!" Classic!!!
1/1/2011 11:26:39 am
coach jackson we got pretty close. mike ashworth where have you been brother? do you remember that night we put on the camos and crashed that bonfire party across from your house at martin. we were crawling on our belly through the grass and those guys started to throw rocks at us. we jumped up and and knocked about 4 of them down before they realized what happened! i think they ended up giving us some barbque and keg beer that night. remember the mines? alot of target practice out there.
1/1/2011 11:42:54 am
i want to wish everyone a happy new year and that your resolutions come true. one of my favorite coach lee quotes came on a cold and windy day and it went something like this,"Christ almighty men! I dont care what the weather is, if they say its cold, we say its hot!"
1/1/2011 10:00:05 pm
Happy New Years fellas! Welcome aboard Dustin. Wayner, I need your email address when you have some down time. By next week I'm hoping to have some photos uploaded on this site. In the coming weeks I will be asking those who have photos to either mail or email Christie Vance with them. Info to follow.
1/3/2011 01:11:13 am
Wayne, sorry I cut your middle finger off in the picture.
1/3/2011 07:04:17 am
that's ok mike. mom would have been very dissapointed in me if she would have seen the original! im glad you took care of it.
Steven Herston
1/3/2011 11:39:13 am
Stallions! I hope you have a blessed new year resoultion. God bless you!
b young
1/3/2011 12:07:36 pm
What's up my friends? That was 30 minutes of high quality reminiscing. Awesome memories and can't wait for october. I no longer have the supra but still have to believe I hold the record jumping those tracks. Vic vargas can vouch for me....we were right at 100 mph. I remember wayne saying he wasn't going to fla after shoals season ended after 8 straight hrs of busch lite and fornication. Me and thornton get him in car and he immediately throws in a huge dip and wants to spit into my blender. Remember in the fall at martin and we are going to scrimmage in that old bus and at the first stop sign the breaks are totally out. We turn around and coach tells us no game no practice....I get to griining and coach lee says "dont smile so big brett young" ahhh good times. This is going to be fun......."let me tell ya a little secret"........miss you wayne hull!!!
B young
1/5/2011 01:15:37 pm
Early predictions. There will be a minimum of 15 errors made. I can't imagine getting in front of a ball right now. Atleast one serious injury. Arm injury for a pitcher is my guess. If Cory Vance pitches against me he will hit me or throw behind me..... I will then charge mound. We will tell atleast 500 remember that time when-------stories. Man I can't wait. Speaking of which..... I remember when coach wouldn't let k cowling eat pizza at end of year Martin gathering because he grew a goatee. keV dry shaved in parking lot and came back determined to get some damn pizza. Scandanavian!! What about george's back locking up and having to load him up in the back of a pickup in the outfield during practice..... And finally, the time when Wayne me and I think mike e were leaving Sawyer brown concert and Wayne spun his tires and threw gravel all over a fiero. They pull up beside us and it's three juiced up dudes wanting to fight. Wayne says we need to man up and I'm telling him to do some knight rider like moves and lose their ass! Wanted no part of an ass whipping!! Again, I can't wait for the fall. Later boys!.........Brett young
mike e
1/5/2011 08:31:23 pm
Brett, those were some corn bread/ hay bailing country dudes. We would have gotten smoked. I think the only thing working for us is we had an aluminum bat, but only 1. Vance has requested he only wants to pitch to you and that one pitch is all he'll need to throw. Good luck! How about the time luis abreau (martin) gave up that bomb and on our way home he asked coach "how much farther till we get back. Coaches response "about as far as that ball was hit off u" . We all cracked up! Congrats to kevin c and rebecca on the birth of their son.
mike e
1/5/2011 09:02:31 pm
Brett, Those were some corn bread eating / hay bailing country dudes against malnurished baseball players with only 1 aluminum bat. We would've gotten smoked. C Vance says he only wants to pitch to you and that he only needs to throw 1 pitch. good luck! How about the time Luis Abreau (Martin) gives up that bomb and were driving back on the bus and Luis asked coach how much farther to we get back to Pulaski. Coach responds " about as far as that boy hit that ball off you" We all cracked up!
Ryan Miller
1/8/2011 12:56:01 am
After our fall practice and season was over in 95 or 96 (crap I can't remember), Coach Lee was bringing us down in two groups for conditioning/hitting in the cages. Russo would have pitchers in the weightroom I think. Well, Coach was like a dadgum ghost because he would be out in left field spreading rye grass seed, and then five seconds later, he would show up right behind the cage you were hitting in. So...Brandon Slay and me had been hitting side toss and waiting to get in the cage after Tyrone Wayne and Courtney Moore. Courtney was throwing to Tyrone, and “T” was taking hacks from you know where and hitting everything right into the top of the cage - one right after the other that would have been high infield fly balls more than likely. Tyrone didn't know it but Coach had "appeared" right behind him and had watched him pop up about 10 in a row. We could all tell Coach was pissed – had dip spit rolling down his chin and all that. He finally stops Tyrone and says, "Tyrone Wayne, son, those balls your hitting into the top of the net, what would be the results on the field?" Without hesitation Tyrone says, “Doubles!” Coach Lee says, “Doubles hel*,???!!!! Son take off running!”
1/8/2011 04:38:23 am
Tyrone never got cheated on his swings. Even in bp he would swing out of his shoes. When I threw him bp he used to trash talk to me. It got to the point where I started throwing bugs bunny change-ups to mess up his timing and piss him off. Too funny!
1/9/2011 11:27:14 am
brett young you gotta reach! i think we need to have one of those famous ALL YOU CAN EAT KRYSTALS competitions to start gameday. i dont think i have ever seen so many cheese hotdogs eaten in my life either. its good to see you on the blogs! cant wait to see ya man. AND BY THE WAY, IF ANY OF YOU YOUNGSTERS THINK YOURE GOING TO STEAL ANY BASES... KEEP THINKING,CAUSE SOME THINGS NEVER CHANGE!
1/11/2011 12:35:19 am
Whats up fellas? I've been reading some of these posts and laughing my ass off. Wayne if I remeber correctly you couldn't throw anyone out.
1/11/2011 01:48:58 am
Wayner worked hard and became one of the best if not the best catch it, frame it and throw it catchers I've ever seen. I loved pitching to him and ashworth. When wayne threw down to second the ball would make a sssssssssss sound and be 3ft off the ground on a line. Nobody ran on us. Some of the best arms in the years that I played and coached were tyrone wayne who had a gun and spade bailey who had absolute cannon. Both played right field. Great memories!
1/11/2011 01:54:40 am
great to see you are still alive Spade. Its also great to know after all these years your sly remarks are still consistent with the personality that so many of us remember you by. i will say this though, you did love the fastballs. i always loved playing with you cause you are great player bro. Oh by the way, if you start working out now with the long tosses, you might get your arm back to the condition that mine has stayed in all these years! cait wait to see you.
1/11/2011 02:24:33 am
The memories of spade. The bare handed catch over the shoulder in the state tournament, and the story behind you getting caught climbing out of the girls dorm @ martin. I'm pretty sure coach ran you for that. Not sure how much you ran but I would guess it was a lot. Lol
1/11/2011 02:37:10 am
Oh yeah, I ran alot for that. I should have just cut class that morning and ran a lot less. I think I ran almost 900 suicides for that 30 twice a day Monday through Sunday for 2 weeks. Coach Lee never told me when I was going to stop running. He just didn't show up one morning. I was late for class that day. I waited from 6 am to 8 am before I figured he wasn't coming. I was afraid to say anything that day a practice. He just told me he didn't care what I was doing, just don't get caught again.
1/11/2011 02:39:58 am
I don't need long toss. I have 1 or 2 more left in me. Then it will be off the the Doctor for surgery.
1/11/2011 10:30:42 am
1/11/2011 12:09:31 pm
For those of you Martin guys who did not know this, I just found out that Pete Ambrosina passed away in 04. He was an outstanding athlete as well as an outstanding person. I will miss him.
1/11/2011 10:26:07 pm
Sad news! Pete had died from a car accident in knoxville tn.
D. Wright
1/12/2011 12:59:40 am
95'- We are getting ready to go play Northwest, and apparently there had been some fighting after someone broke up a double play the year before. Well, Coach is telling us that we need to stay focused and not get caught up in "running our heads" and then offered up this gem, and I quote, " If they start running their heads, you stop and tell them to run their heads on this right here!" Needless to say, the dugout fell apart!!
1/12/2011 06:24:25 am
i am sorry i am late but i am planning to attend in october.
1/12/2011 07:02:03 am
Sad to hear that about Pete! He was an awesome person. I will never forget his work ethic....could take ground balls all day. Great player! Helped me so much! As for Spade, if he would have been 6' or better he would have been a top 5 round draft pick. If Wayner could have hit a little better ( no offense Wayne ) he would have been drafted no doubt. I will never forget Spades leadership skills...playing Shelby State at home, guy throwing cheese 93+ struck me out on 3 straight fastballs cock high down the pipe. Bat never left my shoulder. Walked back to the dugout, Spade got in my face, REEMED me, told me I was better than that. Next at bat i hit one out and he was the first one at home plate....i'll never forget it!
1/12/2011 07:22:04 am
No worries florio, coach will see u @ willie green gym at 5:30 am on Saturday october 8th.
1/12/2011 08:58:37 am
that will be perfect because i will just be getting home from Rodeo with rogers
George H.
1/15/2011 05:04:08 am
George H.
1/15/2011 05:10:47 am
Man its good to hear from you Brett Y. We had some good ole times that first year at Shoals! Never a dull moment that year some crazy stuff always going on. Yeah and I do remember my back locking up and coach carrying me to ER in that Lil' Blue truck. Remember me and Hall going to the 99 cent movies and slipping a pint in! We be cross-eyed by time movie was over. Man we are getting old......
George H.
1/16/2011 02:04:17 am
Man, had to do a double take on the Shoals pic..... Couldn't remember that we had a midget batboy, then it doned on me that it was just Coach Jackson! 8^) Sorry Coach......
George H.
1/16/2011 02:09:41 am
Man seeing ole' Alan Haley makes me sad.... What a shame he no longer with us. An absolute beast when it got to game time and he was on the mound....One of the best clutch pictures I've ever been around.
B Young
1/20/2011 10:11:36 pm
Hey guys. Another snow day on middle tn. Ahhh the life of a teacher and coach. I still stare at the school closings scrolling across the screen for hours, pissed until I see Rutherford co---closed. Good to hear from everyone. Spade, Wayne, butt, Georgie,and again mike thanks for putting all this together.
1/22/2011 04:47:41 am
whats up Brett dog! for the last six weeks ive been running approximately 12 miles a week. no caffiene, low carbs, no alcohol, high protein, semi liquid diet. replaced cokes,coffee, and dairy milk with vinegar and water, herbal tea, and rice milk. no fast food burgers and french fries. but have been eating fresh green veggies and sushi. hope this will get you started in the right direction. if you need more details write back. all it takes is just a little disipline and a goal, and a whole lot of will power. You can do it brett!!!!
1/22/2011 05:43:37 am
Wayne, sounds like you'll be able to catch an entire game. I've been throwing, running and most importantly hitting for weeks now. Lol! I'm looking forward to seeing you all in october. Its gonna be something we will never forget that I can promise.
Kevin Cowling
1/22/2011 09:06:19 am
Hey Guys,
B Young
1/22/2011 02:03:12 pm
Remember that game well. Down 12-2 and won 13-12 off a ripped single to left center. Thx for the props kev. I know several have mentioned it but the Wayne hit the batter attempt in that same gamewas classic. I could have sworn on 3-0 he threw a cockshot strike and then threw at the kid again on 3-1.Wayne was throwing about 90 and rattling the backstop LOUDLY!!
1/22/2011 08:47:29 pm
Brett, I'm sure we will be able to use shoals current team bats. According to vance you may not have to swing the bat anyway, unless your swinging it at him. May have to video that! I remember going to the ymca and dunking. I thought we used a trampoline? I remember landing flat on my back and getting the wind knocked out of me. Good times!
1/22/2011 09:01:05 pm
Ryan miller, thanks for those dvd's. I will put the video of you guys clinching against wallace. That was the game tyrone hit that bomb dead center and as he's rounding second he tells their shortstop "all day"
1/23/2011 12:02:19 am
Funny Pete story,
Ryan Miller
1/24/2011 06:55:49 am
No problem, Mike! I love Tyrone man -- "All day, baby...all day"
2/6/2011 02:05:13 am
Does anyone have info on terry walker, ken westmorland, and chad clinger? Its been a crazy winter up here in n.y. since december we've had a snowstorm every week. Total of 30 inches of snow and 1/2 inch of ice. Some of you guys might remember the ice storm of 96 in the shoals. I hope you guys at least start looking at your glove and bat. 8 months till gameday world series style. Will be fun and entertaining to say the least. Look forward to seeing you all.
Tim Hamm
2/7/2011 06:00:27 am
Reading all these stories really take me back....good times. Ran into a guy at a conference the other day who used to coach at Jax State. Coach Lee came up the conversation and we were talking about the state tourny we had the brawl in (near brawl). He said man you guys had that wrapped up! he said we were the best team he scouted that whole season in the JUCO ranks. That shit still pisses me off to the this day!!!!!!!
George H.
2/7/2011 11:27:16 am
Hammer, Hardly a day goes by that I don't think about that ONE game! I'll never forget being a bat when all the crap went down and big ole Marcell and Hugh coming out of the dugout running after the guy from Southern Union. I remember having bat cocked ready to level someone. But to this day I always wonder what that team (if not being forfeited) could have done. Just a total package.....Never been involved with any team that jellied like the '93 team and the sky was the limit for us! Absolutely heartbreaking to have the meeting with Coach Lee in hotel and wondering what outcome would be from brawl but never forget him saying that he was proud of US for sticking by our team and teammates....and he was proud of us... What a coach and even better person! I owe alot to that man and I'll never forget him! Coach Lee was the best! What a team we had and I still wonder how far we could have went....
2/7/2011 11:27:33 am
I wonder if we could play our reunion game against southern union. Pisses me off too tim
2/9/2011 05:13:07 am
It sucked then and probably more now for me. I can still remember what went through my mind when that fag hit me in the head,straight up chicken shit!We should hunt them down, ring their door bells and when they open the door...beat the living hell out of them and tell their wives and children...your dads a chicken shit fag! But thats just me.We should have went to colorado no doubt.
mike a
2/11/2011 12:11:02 am
"like a can of corn"
mike a
2/11/2011 12:12:33 am
'raise that skirt sallie"
2/11/2011 10:51:29 pm
How about these numbers fellas. Coach Lee from 1991 to 1998 279 wins - 81 losses. Average 39 wins 11 losses over that span. Impressive!
chad clinger
2/14/2011 11:09:20 am
Chad Clinger here. Hows it going fellas? Good to see some names from the past. Thanks Mike for contacting me today. I cant wait for October. Anyone heard from Mike Dutton? I have been in contact with Adam Edwards and Tyler Moon here in Ga. Ill turn them onto the site. (i got dibbs on first inning pitching. That way everyone is still rusty and arent warmed up yet!!)
2/14/2011 08:08:42 pm
Welcome aboard Chad! Dutton is flying helicopters in Afghanistan. He will be back for the reunion.
B. Ewing
2/14/2011 11:25:28 pm
B. Ewing here. Cool to see everyone's getting back together. Looking forward to October.
Ryan Miller
2/21/2011 09:02:24 am
Good to hear from Chad Clinger and Byron Ewing! I hope you guys are doing well. Can't wait to see you guys in October. Byron, I hope you are ready to "pick me up" like you did in the old days. You bailed me out of several errors while at Shoals - overthrows, underthrows, shorthops, you name it baby.
Christie Vance
3/1/2011 02:29:32 am
Well Guys - Cory had his first outing since 1995. He pitched one inning in a high school alumni game. He hit one kid and gave up three runs. He can hardly move today. He has alot of work to do to be in shape by October. Maybe I need to put him on Wayne's diet and training program.
3/4/2011 11:45:16 am
That ah boy Vance. Looking forward to a solid inning from you. Invites going out in May fellas.
3/8/2011 11:17:57 pm
7 months from today is gameday boys!
3/9/2011 10:45:07 am
hey cristie i cant believe you dont have him in training yet. dont worry vance, when i get behind the plate it will all come back to ya. and when brett gets to the plate ill be sure and rub my chest and then pat on the inside of my left thigh at least once during his at bat. by the way, down to 222 on my weight just 7 more to go and ill be back to the old playing weight the hard part will be hanging on another 7 months.
Cory and Christie Vance
3/9/2011 11:29:59 am
Wayne - Your diet and training program is not working for Cory. It may not be working for Cory because he does not stick with any program. Brett said that he is 20 pounds over his playing weight. Well, Cory is 50 pounds over his playing weight. Cory looks more like a lineman than a pitcher for a baseball team right now.
3/10/2011 07:49:29 am
Hell, I am probably a good 40 over my playing weight, but then again I don't run or work out like we use to. can anyone say "REEEEEAAAAACH!"
3/10/2011 11:41:04 am
Cowling, get off your fat canadian ass and do something. No excuses! You all have had ample time to get ready for the "fall classic" let's not be an embarassment to our kids, wife/girlfrend, parents, peers, and whoever may attend this event. That being said, please make sure you have health insurance.
3/13/2011 10:22:02 pm
Mick, This fat ass has good insurance! LOL Hey everyone, I believe enough time has passed, so, who wants to put some money down on March Madness! LOL
3/15/2011 10:26:29 am
What's up fellas, Just want to know if you guys are interested in some type of shirt for the up comming "classic"? I am looking at T-shirts or maybe a Jersey-Vest. I'm going to try and keep it around $10-$12
3/15/2011 12:20:45 pm
Sounds good to me Spade. Thanks for taking charge on this. If you can get a firm price that would be great. Keep me informed. Thanks
Steven Herston
3/21/2011 01:07:04 pm
Jason K. Jackson
4/3/2011 06:07:27 pm
George, give me a call (256) 627-3473. Me, you and John Montgomery need to go play some golf if you are in the area. Sorry I haven't posted in a while been busy at work. Should have called you sooner, John gave me your number a while back when I saw him at golf course.
4/8/2011 01:43:35 pm
Hope everyone is well. Just a reminder that invites will be going out May 1st.
George H.
4/8/2011 09:14:22 pm
Dang shame! All the hard work that goes into making First-class program and just throw out the window. Guess all those evenings of laying all that sod don't mean crap now!! Dang that was rough.....
5/2/2011 04:19:25 am
Wayne Hall, I need your mailing address and your new cell number. Thanks
5/4/2011 09:18:31 pm
I received a text from George Holland this a.m. to find out that his dad has a malignant tumor and that's its too big to operate. Our thoughts and prayers go out to George and his family.
Steven Herston
5/9/2011 08:39:47 am
How was tournament going? I checked on website that did not tell who won and scored. If you find it out then please let me know. Thank you.
6/3/2011 11:36:43 pm
4 months fellas until gameday. We got 1 team fielded already. Thanks for sending in early. If you didn't get an invite it's because you never sent me your address. So please send it!
6/25/2011 07:36:15 am
i hit my old playing weight men. ready for the reunion and the good ole sting of that inside fastball. mike, give me another ring on my email and ill get back to you! i changed phones and in the process lost some old numbers.
Tim Smith
6/25/2011 01:12:23 pm
Whats up MMC players.
6/26/2011 11:00:42 pm
Hey Tim, good to hear from you. Send me an email @ [email protected] along with your home address. Thanks
Tim Smith
6/30/2011 11:48:32 am
Mike, my address is 5027 CO. RD 585 Town Creek, Al. 35672. No email address. Thanks for starting this up.
7/7/2011 07:11:58 am
3 months till gameday fellas. Wayne, you still have dial up on your computer? Maybe you need some Willie Green gym early Saturday morning before the game.
Coach Lee
7/11/2011 06:05:54 am
I want to thank Mike, Christie and any others who have put the time and effort into getting all you together again. Eventhough many years have passed I want you to know that each one of you remain very special to me. The effort you gave me everyday is what set you apart from the other teams and as your coach I owe you for that.
7/20/2011 03:29:06 am
No question the best Coach I've ever been around. Whatever ability you had he got the most out of you as long as you worked and followed his direction. Not only a great Coach but a great person as well. Like he said life is short and the opportunity for all of us to get together may not happen again. I really need your responses sent back to me no later then August 1st.Hope to see you in October.
D. Wright
7/21/2011 02:25:32 am
I agree Mike. The greatest coach by a long shot. It is a true testament to the impression he made on us as players, that so many have responded to this reunion. I think I speak for everyone that has ever played for Coach; if he needs me to do anything for him, I'm ready. He not only taught us the game, but how to apply those lessons learned to every day life. For that I know I am truly greatful! It always meant so much to get an "atta boy" from Coach. That means you did something really good. I can't wait for October. And Coach, if you need me to run some foul poles for old times sake, just let me know! HA!!
Kevin Cowling
7/28/2011 03:25:45 am
Well guys,
8/7/2011 11:08:46 pm
Tim Hamm
8/9/2011 01:14:18 am
Guys, Can't wait to see all you. This should be a great time with a group of great people.
8/14/2011 10:32:10 am
@ Wayne. Unless your still wearing your glasses you have no chance. I didn't have to get back into shape. I just stayed in shape all these years. I think I will steal second off you as well as you float a change-up to second. I just have to get on which will be difficult. Look forward to seeing all of you.
Kevin Cowling
8/19/2011 02:40:35 am
LOL Mick, I remember when Wayne first got his contacts and Young tried to put them in for him! He then went to the prescription Oakleys!
8/19/2011 06:19:02 am
Just a friendly reminder for those who haven't sent their response along with $ for the reception. The deadline is September 1st. I am giving the Marriott a head count and sending them a ck on September 2nd.
George H.
9/2/2011 11:15:30 am
Hey Fellas,
9/3/2011 06:47:15 am
George, our thoughts and prayers are with you. I know it's been a difficult time for you and your family. Your pops is a fighter and a great man.
B Young
9/6/2011 01:54:16 am
First, we are thinking about you and your family George. Hoping for the best.
Kevin Cowling
9/8/2011 06:04:33 am
9/8/2011 08:41:22 pm
@ Kev..... I would love to see you dry shave that Goat T one last time. That was a classic! All pitchers please start throwing now. Vance, your the starting pitcher for 1 team. Can't wait to see u guys.
9/14/2011 11:14:14 am
Hey guys, please respond to me by email your shirt size along with kids and spouse if they are coming to game by this Friday. Thanks again Tim Hamm for helping me with this. For those who are coming in earlier Friday a few of us are playing golf. Details to follow by email as to place and time. Thanks, Mike
9/21/2011 06:44:43 am
Received a call from George today that his dad passed away. my condolences go out to george and his family.
George H.
9/21/2011 01:56:20 pm
Fellas, been rough few months but dad lost battle today. He was proud to be a Stallion and loved Shoals Baseball. Not a better man in this world that got more enjoyment out of helping you guys and giving you some good ole southern hospitality. RIP Dad and My best friend Owen Holland.
9/21/2011 08:49:06 pm
Sorry for your loss George. Your dad was a great man and a big supporter of Shoals Baseball. He will be missed.
Tim Hamm
9/21/2011 11:28:57 pm
B Young
9/22/2011 12:18:30 am
So sorry for your loss George. Thinking about and praying for you and your family.
10/1/2011 07:30:51 am
1 week boys and its gametime!
George H.
10/3/2011 09:43:06 am
Well when thought things couldn't get any worse I got bit by Brown Recluse and been sick as a dog for last few days. Got to get some rest and go back to doctor Wed. morning. I'll keep ya updated on status
10/3/2011 10:16:53 am
Get better george. Got u slotted in the 5 hole.
George H.
10/3/2011 10:53:42 pm
I feel better this morning but no were near 100% but take more than spider to keep me away. May feel like crap but I still hangout. What time is tee times Friday Mike?
10/4/2011 01:08:19 am
lunch @ 11:30 t off at 1. Thornton is in charge.
10/5/2011 08:32:53 am
@ george Cypress lakes golf course @ 1. $40.00 per man. Bring your wallet! In case you didn't receive email It's going to be 80 and sunny. Wear shorts unless you plan on stealing bases all day.
Steven Herston #30
10/5/2011 12:47:58 pm
Tim Smith
10/9/2011 12:31:38 am
Thanks again Mike for putting the reunion together. It was a lot of fun , even though I'm so sore this morning can't hardly walk. Great to see all of you and to the best coach any young man could ever want. Thanks coach Lee for all that do for all of us. And as coach said last night it was by choice. Yea right
George H.
10/9/2011 04:08:04 am
WoW! What a great weekend....Man was great to see old friends and meet some new ones. Wish some could have made trip! But what a great job Mike, Christy and Brian did. Ya get to planning cause I'm ready to start preparing for next gathering. Maybe I'll be healed up by that time! I'm sore in places that I forgot my body had! I hope we don't wait to long before doing the next one and maybe some of the other guys can COME then. With all that being said I wouldn't trade these last few days for anything in the world! Absolutely Awesome weekend and got to share it with my team and brothers. Can't wait to ya again...Later guys Georgie
Kevin Cowling
10/9/2011 10:43:36 am
Hey everyone,
10/10/2011 08:34:23 am
Just saw some pics on facebook, Man I wish I could have been there. Some faces never change, Goldie, Brett, Corey, Wayner, Smashworth, etc. Sorry guys, I really wanted to be there.
D. Wright
10/10/2011 11:39:39 am
What a weekend!! Thanks so much to Mike, Christy, and Bryan. It was great to meet new brothers. I can't wait for the next one in 3 years! Thanks to Coach Lee for being such a great influence on young men, it means more than you will ever know. Corey, I hope that lip heals up! Just for the record, it was Tim Hamm,Brett Young, and George Holland that were laughing at you! Ha! We all need to stay in touch!!
R. Miller
10/10/2011 11:53:13 am
This weekend was a blast! It was great to see some old friends, and meet some new folks. One thing is evident after this weekend...Coach Lee has had a great influence on all of our lives, and there is a common bond between all of us who played for him. I don't think Coach will ever realize how big of an influence he had on me. Three years isn't that far away, and I am going to do all I can to get more guys there.
Troy Hughes
10/10/2011 09:54:07 pm
Wow that was a great weekend!!! Mike, Christy and Brian thank you so much for taking time out to do everything you did for this wonderful time. Can't wait for the next one. It was great seeing "old" friends and meeting new ones. As all have said Coach will never know what a great infulence he has had on all of our lives. Look forward to seeing you all again very soon. Maybe we can get more there the next time.
Tim Hamm
10/11/2011 12:02:15 am
Awesome weekend!!! Many thanks to everyone who helped put it together. I had a blast meeting the guys I didn't play with and catching up with old team mates. The years might pass by but the relationships and bonds we all built back when we played will always be there.
B Young
10/11/2011 03:08:58 am
Absolutely awesome weekend in Muscle Shoals everyone.
10/12/2011 04:16:17 am
Fellas, What a great time my family and I had this past weekend. Thanks so much for being a part of it and looking forward to the next one. Brett, that was a nice looking shot wasn't it. George, I owe you as I totally forgot to pay my bar tab. I may be done hitting as I wore out the tarp down the first baseline. Too bad it was in foul territory. Couldn't turn on that fastball. Look forward to doing it again in the fall of 2014.
Brandon Butler
10/12/2011 06:06:08 am
Hey guys! What a freakin weekend!!! Loved it!!! It was great to make some new friends and see some old ones! We had a few moments on the field were we looked like we still might have a little left in us! Haha! Who am kidding it's been four days and I am still sore!!! I'm not complaining though, wouldn't change it for the world! Count me in for 2014! Can't wait! Were ya at Clinger, Edwards, Slay, Dutton and Moon!!??
Cory and Christie Vance
10/13/2011 02:41:57 am
We had a blast this past weekend. I cannot believe that we waited this long to get together. Everyone seemed to take up right where we left off years ago. It was great to meet guys that we did not know and share all of our moments in ball with them. I do not think that a team could have had a tighter bond than these guys had. We look forward to seeing everyone in 2014 and some of you sooner.
M. Hamm
10/13/2011 08:14:29 am
Man, I didn't get to spend much time with you guys this time around but it was great seeing some old team mates. As far as the older crew goes, it was good to finally put a face with your names that I have heard over the years. 2014 is a long time to wait considering I didn't get to play this year.
M. Robinson
10/13/2011 12:03:56 pm
Just a wonderful weekend with all of guys. I just got two things to say 1. a special thanks to Mike E and Christie V for the hard work into making this happen for us and 2. Shannon F and George H. you guys got it coming lol. It was great to see all of you this past weekend take care and let us "All" stay in touch!!! God Bless
Shannon Fondren
10/13/2011 11:14:47 pm
Marcus dont you worry I am watching my back.Ha! Marcus it was good meet your wife and share a laugh with her over your now famous speech!
George H.
10/14/2011 11:22:04 pm
Man Marcus it was all Shannon. So you can get him back. lol Well its been a week and I already miss you guys. I had a blast and exactly what I needed with all I had been through last 6 months. I only wish Pops could had lived long enough to make it to the game. I really had decided that I wasn't going to the reunion after dad died. Just didn't know mentally if I could make it through it and honestly, I had some rough times, as some of you know. But seeing all you guys and Coach Lee and just having a good ole time was exactly what I needed! I want to THANK everyone for a hell of a weekend.
Douglas "Chick" Yurcik
11/1/2011 12:08:14 pm
Guess I needed a month to have all this “sink in” – and I sure do hope that I don’t run out of character spacing! Apologies up front for how long this is!!!
Douglas "Chick" Yurcik
11/1/2011 12:11:26 pm
PART II....Bush High School (as well as Victor Vargas) in Pine Bush New York. It’s had been over 19 years since we had seen each other. Hearing all the stories at dinner brought back many Martin memories for me. I really wish I had jumped up (you all probably are all happy I didn’t after this posting) there and told the UNA (man that fraternity gave me hell!!) story or when I missed a fly ball (which I should have caught – and knew I was going to get it when I got back to the dugout) in left at Sam Davis. After the half inning Coach Lee pulled me aside (never made it to the dugout – just the third base coaching box) the with arms folded and the wad of dip in his lip with just a bit of spit dripping down his chin and said, “Now Douglas, you didn’t get after that baseball now did you? You didn’t “reach” like we practiced. Christ Almighty you gots to get after that baseball.” He was right… and that very next inning I “reached” like hell for a ball in deep left and made a great catch…and then Coach Lee, as expected, pulled me aside with a big smile and say “that a boy Douglas, now that’s how we get after the baseball”…. He was such a big influence on our lives and I can only wish that I can influence my two boys as well as he and my father did me.
11/1/2011 12:37:25 pm
Nice job Doug! I'm glad you and your family could be a part of it. Looking back now and the fact that it was 19 years made this reunion very special. Can't wait until the next one.
11/2/2011 01:07:10 am
Well done Douglas! I'm glad you and your family were apart of it and looking forward to another reunion in 2014. "You gotta reach son"
11/23/2011 10:07:08 pm
Happy Thanksgiving Fellas!
5/21/2012 10:50:27 am
New website will be up soon. If you have any pictures you would like to share please email them to me.
9/6/2012 03:10:46 am
9/10/2012 05:56:33 am
Hey Macho, It was great speaking with you and thank you for looking into the other players from P.R.
Josué Hernandez
9/11/2012 06:19:43 am
Hey everybody, just wanted to say hi. It’s great to know you guys are doing good. Found out about the website a couple of months ago when I saw coach Lee. Then got calls from Mike E. and Vic. I’ve been trying to contact some of you for a while now so this is great. Been back in AL for about 12 yrs now, visit the shoals area about twice a year and always have to drive by the field (don't know why) I’ll be checking in frequently. God Bless!
9/17/2012 10:27:44 pm
Welcome aboard Josue. Look forward to seeing you at the next reunion.
Kenny Soeder
10/25/2012 08:28:54 am
Whats up guys? Great to read all the comments. Hope I can make the next reunion. Would love to see everyone. I will post some funnies soon.
10/14/2013 01:27:57 pm
Hey Guys, will post pictures soon from 2013.
9/22/2014 04:25:20 am
Enjoy the website. If you have any pictures you would like to share please email them to me @ [email protected]
4/8/2015 11:14:58 pm
Thanks Hammer for securing Sam Davis for the Alumni game on October 1st 2016. Can't wait!
Chad clinger
5/26/2016 02:44:26 am
Can't wait to see everybody. Gonna be a fun time. Can't make it for golf but will definitely be there for the game! Looking forward to striking Ryan Miller out!
5/26/2016 08:09:58 am
Good to here from you Clinger and glad your making it. See you in October.
Ryan Miller
5/26/2016 02:54:44 pm
I am excited about the reunion. Those two years were two of the most fun years of my life. Clinger - you should set higher goals than striking me out, but I accept the challenge.
5/27/2016 12:07:27 pm
Look forward to seeing you Ryno.
8/28/2018 05:05:15 am
Preparations begin for 2019 reunion.
8/29/2018 05:11:49 pm
Ok I’ll start
8/30/2018 08:55:46 am
So many to choose from. Here's a list from my (faded) memory.
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